Why Do I have To Sit Down?


This may seem like a silly question to you. However, I wanted to take this opportunity to share some experiences that are baffling to me.


It seems like every new person I meet wants me to sit down. It is so aggressive in some cases. I was pushed into a chair against my will many times. I am always in shock when it happens.  . This is always very uncomfortable as it is often in situations where I am a guest and do not want to offend. I am not just talking about a recent experience, but I can remember asking this question ever since I could articulate it.  BTW, if you are one of the people who did this, I am not upset at you. My own family treated me this way.


Here is where I think it comes from. I think people do not know how to interact with a “blind person”, me. They just want me to sit so I am out of harm’s way. It is truly amazing as sometimes this happens at networking events or Service club meetings where everyone else is mingling. It is actually not appropriate to be sitting down. I want to scream sometimes! I want to just tell them to sit down and get out of the way. Of course I know that would be a bad diplomatic move. I am thankful for all the people in my life who do not do this and actually often forget that I have a disability. Well, with the help of my guide dog, I am usually ok. I just want to wear a sign sometimes that says” I do not want to sit down”. “I am able to order my own food/drinks and pay for them thank you very much”. “I am blind not helpless”!!! Now, these words sound really harsh, but I wish people would stop and think sometimes. One of the consequences of these things, is a feeling of total isolation. I would often feel like I don’t belong.


I am also quite capable of asking for help when it is needed. I welcome it when it is needed and offered in a respectful manner . There was a film I saw years ago where this blind guy was wanting to get off a bus. The driver gets so uptight he picks up the guy and carries him across the street! It was funny at the time, but it does make the point.


I have had this experience several times. Well, ok, they did not carry me across the street, but pretty close. I have been grabbed and dragged across the street often landing in a totally different location or direction from where I intended to be. I don’t get angry, well, most of the time, because again, I know people are thinking they are being kind. I have the desire here to tell them to “mind their own business”! Again, I don’t as I don’t want to insult anyone. I do appreciate the people who offer help, but are respectful when help is declined or accepted. I am very aware that there  are times when it is necessary to ask for and receive help. I am very thankful when it is offered in an appropriate situation.


Do you think there is a  good polite way to let people know not to do these things? Of course   this question I am asking is for new situations. Looking forward to your ideas.


PS When we meet, don’t feel like we need to stand for our entire visit.



So, Toronto got lots of snow on Friday. In preparation for this, all stores were cleared of stock the day before in case people had to stay home for a day or 2. Parents were warned to keep their kids home from school, and many did not even attempt the trek to work. It was so bad they closed Federal Government offices Downtown. Coming from Montreal, this seemed silly. We did take the day to enjoy though. Re-arranging furniture, cooking a great roast, and just relaxing. Did I mention how I love the brightness of fresh snow? The glow is wonderful. Things feel so clean that is until my dog goes out and makes it less so.  The salt trucks come out and cause it to look so drab. I wondered if Mr. Ford was getting ready to call in the military.  The question that kept coming up all night was “are we not in Canada”? What would Toronto do if it were really up north?  I will leave you with this last thought. Check out Rick Mercer’s “snow in Toronto”. Have a great Monday. Oh and do you think we over react to snow here?

  1. 1.    Special Report: Snow in Toronto – YouTube


Great Service

I am not sure what good karma I have lately, but I’ll take it. The great service that is. I recently got new business cards to reflect my new contact info. I was not prepared for how fabulous they would turn out to be. To top that off, the nice people at 121 Media in Kingston out did themselves by bringing them to me while I was in Kingston. Thank you Roy! I can’t wait to start really passing them out.


Next, I am still on the hunt for an accessible accounting program for invoicing clients. So far I had struck out. Well, until last week. I was referred to see if Fresh Books would work for me. Well, on the surface of it, it did not appear accessible. However, contacting their support people was so easy. I not only got a call back on the same day, but a few days later I had a call from a senior programmer. He had downloaded the demo of my screen reader to test the obstacles for himself. Wow! I understand they are working on making the changes. I am so impressed that they would listen to me. I am not a paying client yet. They may have wan my loyalty for life with this amazing effort.


Now, do not get me wrong, as I have been getting awesome service from my IT consultants at Weehooey, our Real Estate Agent back in Kingston Tracie Tattrie, and many others.  I have been so blessed with such great assistance where needed. Feeling like I am at the awards here, I am not able to list everyone, as it would take to long and I don’t want to be cut off.  I hope this sort of charmed existence with service providers will continue. Thank you for doing what you do. I aspire to also provide a great level of service to my clients. Do you have great tips on this?