My eyes are a black Lab named Jacque. As you might know he was trained at the Lion’s Foundation in Oakville, Ontario. He has changed my life as working dogs usually do for the people they serve. He has allowed me to work, travel and even become a business owner. I have a Lions T-Shirt that says “We serve”, these dogs are the exact definition of that.

This month I am working on our annual walk to bring awareness to the community about the function and cost of training of these incredible animals.

The foundation is funded by the work of Lions all over the country and the donations of many kind people like you. Dogs are matched with users at no cost to the person using them, but they cost on average about $20 000 to train.

Over the last 6 years in the Kingston area, we have managed to raise about $20 000. This year is our 7th and I do wish we could do $10 000

I can not do that alone. I do need the help of many great people like you. You are welcome to join us at the event, or by simply donating directly on line.

Check out the event at Click on Kingston and just register.

I can’t wait to see you there.


 BTW, You may sponser Jacque and I directly by clicking on our page and donating. I thank you in advanced for this. I hope we can help many Canadians have a dog when they need one.


Much love



My eyes are a b…

My Beautiful Friend Ellen

I recently found out my friend Ellen has breast cancer. She has just had her baby 2 months ago. With her permission I have the pleasure of sharing her blog here. Ellen has taken this news of the cancer with her usual dignity and humor. Read on and you’ll see. Please share this blog.

I wish Ellen great health and I hope this will be a distant memory very soon.


I know I am so blessed to have such amazing friends. Remember how lucky you are and make it matter.

My Beautiful Friend

I recently found out my friend Ellen has breast cancer. She has just had her baby 2 months ago. With her permission I have the pleasure of sharing her blog here. Ellen has taken this news of the cancer with her usual dignity and humor. Read on and you’ll see. Please share this blog.

I wish Ellen great health and I hope this will be a distant memory very soon.


I know I am so blessed to have such amazing friends. Remember how lucky you are and make it matter.