Fenton’s Request

Every time I safely cross a street or navigate a crowded subway platform, I feel very lucky to have Fenton by my side. I well remember what it was like to walk without a 4 legged set of eyes. I, for the most part, no longer apologize to posts or trees or garbage cans.
As most of you know, in the last three years, I have had some difficulties keeping my dogs. I unfortunately lost Frankie because he lost his right eye. Both of us not being able to see from the same side would have been problematic. It truly would have been a case of the blind leading the blind.
You can imagine how devastating this was to me as Frankie was the best guide I have ever had. His skills and abilities were legendary. When I had to give up Frankie, I was able to get Potter in a very short period of time thanks mainly to donations from generous Canadians. I also cannot say enough thanks to our trainer Courtney and Dog Guides for the support I received while Frankie was getting treatments. Unfortunately, Potter did not enjoy working in Toronto.
Last year, I had the daunting task of starting over with yet another dog partner. When I met Fenton, I could not believe my good fortune as Fenton is Frankie’s brother and litter mate. As of June of last year, we have been learning to work together and are now becoming a great team.
Fenton and I are now trying to assist other Canadians who need dog guides by raising funds through the Toronto Beaches Lions Walk for Dog Guides on June 26, 2016. Our goal is to raise $2500. Please help us meet our goal.
As you know, this is a very large amount to raise in a very short period of time. It is more important than ever to make your donation as soon as you can. It has always been my dream to be able to fund at least one Dog Guide.
We will be participating in the Toronto Beaches Purina® Walk for Dog Guides on June 26, 2016 to help raise funds for the training and placement of Dog Guides for Canadians with visual, hearing and medical or physical disabilities. The Purina® Walk for Dog Guides is organized by the Toronto Beaches Lions Club and the Club invites everyone, to participate.
You can help by donating on my personal Walk page, https://www.purinawalkfordogguides.com/locations/walker.cfm?ID=612&EventID=638. Or join us by registering for the Walk at https://www.purinawalkfordogguides.com/locations/walk.cfm?ID=638. All online donations will receive immediate credit card payment confirmation and an official income tax receipt.



We hope you will consider helping us in supporting this wonderful event and in achieving our goal of raising $2500.
Many thanks.
Karoline and a very generous kissy Fenton.

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